Monday, 6 October 2014

How Yoga Helps Us in Cultivating Our Intuitive Abilities

Intuition can best be defined as a person’s ability to know that something is right or wrong, or possible or impossible without any intellectual proof for it. American Entrepreneur, Steve Jobs, who co-founded the Apple Inc. once said, “Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion.”

Intuitive ability is an inborn quality and we only have to learn how to cultivate it. Easily, we can say here this can only be done by knowing ourselves in a better way. Yoga has been practiced for centuries for the purpose of self-awareness; therefore, what better way there could be other than yoga to cultivate our intuitive abilities?

Let’s see how yoga practice helps us in cultivating our intuitive abilities at different levels.


We are all aware that yoga practice provides relief from stress related issues, but how does it do that? With yoga we become able to cultivate body’s natural intuitive mechanism to deal with these problems. Yoga poses physically transform us to control the secretion of cortisol, the stress hormone. Apart from that, our body intuitively learns how to protect itself against internal secretion of toxins and external physical injuries by tightening and loosening certain body parts.


Our mind’s abilities, just like our physical abilities, pretty much depend upon what it has been stimulating to over time. Our habits may keep some parts of our brain and even body disengaged. But it isn’t always possible to keep them disengaged and avoiding such needs can put stress on us.

Most of us get inspirations from external sources, and find other's voices effective in stimulating our disengaged parts. However, yoga on the other hand teaches us how to cultivate genuine inspirations, which means finding the answers by listening to the voice within.


Time and again it has been mentioned that yoga improves our perception towards life, ourselves as well as others. And our emotions pretty much depend upon how we see things in life. By and large, it is our conscience that builds our perception while the development of one’s conscience is an on-going process. It isn’t something that requires gathering knowledge only, but is based on one’s instincts and intuition as well.

Yoga, as mentioned above, provides a connectedness with ourselves and as a result we are able to clearly understand our emotions, and consequently refine our sense of self-righteousness. 


Yoga practice builds in us the spirit to take our own path. And this spiritual awareness cannot come with worldly knowledge. And it’s only our intuitive abilities that enable us to define something that hasn’t been defined before.

Learning yoga in India can give you an experience that can reform your life. Unlike in western countries, where analytical reasoning is the only way to comprehend things, in India people primarily rely upon their intuition and instincts to make decisions. Reason enough, why learning and practicing yoga in Rishikesh, Goa, Dharamshala and other yoga hubs in India, is a dream for many yoga practitioners throughout the world.

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