Tuesday, 7 October 2014

How to Build Yoga Community in Your Yoga Class

As a yoga teacher, you have various challenges to address that you hadn’t even thought of as a yoga student. Developing precision in yoga poses is probably the simplest aspect of becoming a yoga teacher, yet it occupies most of the attention of aspiring yoga teachers. However, aspects that are more important come upfront after you have start giving yoga lessons.

One such aspect, crucial for a successful class conduct, is to build a yoga community within your yoga class. Taking yoga training at residential retreats in Rishikesh, Bali or other yoga hubs can help you in realizing the importance of community, since you experience it yourself there. On the other hand, local studios may not be able to build that kind of an environment for nurturing camaraderie and community building.

Let’s discuss a few factors that will help you in achieving this feat; irrespective of the place you give lessons, whether at a studio or at home.

Welcome Everyone Warmly

Going to a new place often gives us a queasy feeling, especially if it includes meeting lots of strangers, like at a yoga class. You can ensure that your new students feel that they belong in the class from the very first day by inviting them in a friendly manner, as well as asking all the students to follow this ritual.

Call Everyone by Name

It is important that you and all your students know each other by name. Calling each other by name builds a bond between us and helps to establish good communication. Learning about each other’s life experiences inspires us to help others. And in this friendly environment teaching, learning and practicing yoga becomes much more fun.

Include Extracurricular Activities

The best bond between people is built when they share an adventure. Including extracurricular activities such as outdoor activities brings the sense of teaming up in your students and they learn to work as a community. Besides, adventurous activities also help us in living in the present moment which helps us in building focus in our yoga practice. 

Switch Roles

Switching roles is another good way to let people know about each other in a way they cannot know otherwise. For instance, ask your students to conduct the class every once in a while and let them teach each other. It will also give you a good idea about how much each of your students has learned so far, and how good their teaching skills are. Accordingly, you can advise them on what path they should choose for themselves. In addition, it will also make your class more alive and build a sense of camaraderie in your students.

Allow the Community to Grow

While you build a yoga community in your class, allow it to grow beyond the classroom. Let your students spread the awareness about yoga and build their own yoga communities. The more your yoga community will grow, stronger it will become. In fact, the idea of building your yoga community must have first come to you in the same fashion, from your teacher.

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