Wednesday, 1 October 2014

A Lowdown on Yoga

When you put efforts into something and don’t get expected results than it could be quite discouraging. Yoga on the other hand provides instant and lasting delights to practitioners. Yoga practice works its way through your inner body to improve your physical and mental capacities, as well as refine your conscience. Below are given some facts about yoga, with not only what it does but how it does it as well.

Yoga is for everyone

You can do yoga, regardless of what your age is, or whether you have a medical condition. In case, you are diagnosed with some serious illness then it is possible that you might not be able to opt for all yoga forms, but you could still do a number of yoga forms that can help you in fighting off your disease and improve your overall health. Besides, yoga is considered to be a great stress-buster, since it relaxes muscles of our entire body and calms our mind by improving blood circulation in our body. Therefore, a person of any age can get benefits from it.

Yoga has many forms

As just mentioned above that yoga comprises many forms and styles, so whatever your needs are, you will always be able to find a form that suits your lifestyle. Most people start with Hatha yoga, which is comparatively a milder form, before moving to vigorous forms of yoga such as Bikram yoga, Power yoga, etc. Joining a yoga retreat in Rishikesh or in other yoga hubs across the world can be a great start to your yoga journey, since you will get a chance to meet learned yogis in such places who will teach you all there is to know to practice yoga effectively.

How yoga strengthens muscles?

A few yoga forms and styles, such as Ashtanga yoga, power yoga and more, include challenging poses that practitioners have to do for a bit longer then the usually recommended duration for yoga poses. Practice of these forms requires more energy and focus from practitioners, and in return builds greater body strength.

How yoga brings about mental agility

While doing other workouts can also strengthen muscles, but in a yoga practice, poses are done with blended breathing patterns that enhance the effect of the workout. While doing these poses, practitioners have to put more efforts, mental as well as physical, to synchronize breathing patterns with physical poses that improves their focusing power as well.

How yoga calms our mind?

Yoga’s breathing patterns improve the circulation of oxygen throughout our body. A better oxygen flow, especially around the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, not only improve the functioning of other body organs but improves our cognitive activities as well. With boosted brain powers, we become more efficient at work and happier in personal life by knowing how to address day to day problems more effectively. In addition, yoga balances the flow of our nervous system which has a direct impact in keeping our mind calm and body relaxed.

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